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Setting SmartER goals

Are you really motivated by your goals and have you recorded them?

Smarter GoalsSet smarter goals.

It’s always a great time to be thinking about your goals and ambitions.  Many people have heard about setting SMART goals but this just isn’t enough. There’s a really important missing element in SMART and that is your MOTIVATION. In line with Goal Setting Theory goals should be clear, challenging, gain commitment and provide feedback and you should have strong emotional feelings of wanting to achieve your goals!

Without a real passion and excitement to want to achieve your goal you may find it like wading through treacle.

Think about what is really important to you.

A good way to start is to take a step back and think about what’s important in life, in other words your values.  In addition you should think about your own personal character strengths and skills. When have you enjoyed doing something the most? What was it about it you enjoyed? When did you feel totally absorbed, like time was standing still?

Set goals that reflect your values, beliefs and character.

Once you have these elements in place you can start to think more clearly about what you’d like to achieve and how you can build goals that reflect you the best. The goals and objectives you set for yourself will be much more motivating.

Record your goals

It has also been shown through research that recorded goals are much more likely to be achieved than those you just keep in your head. Find a way of recording and reminding yourself of these goals so that you can constantly motivate yourself towards achieving them.  Examples could include using post it notes on the fridge, developing a vision board or recording your goal on your smartphone for playing back to yourself. Use whatever you find works best perhaps with some reminders about why you really want to achieve your goals.

So take some time to think of the ‘big picture’ and what you really want then set goals that are SMARTER (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed, Emotional, and Recorded).

If you’d like further information on achieving more read the article on ‘How to achieve more P’s by P’s.

A professional coach can help you achieve your goals quicker.

Improveon helps improve brand, team and personal performance with a focus on wellbeing.  Call or contact David now to find out how Improveon can help you develop SMARTER individual or team or business goals.